June 2023 — Minutes for the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mar Cheri Community Club

Date: June 13, 2023

Time /Location: 7PM via Zoom

Those in attendance: Ken Schiewetz, Gary Mesick, Anne Mesick, Heather Pierce

Those absent: Larry Barlow

President: Ken Schiewetz

No report.

Treasurer: Gary Mesick

Treasurer’s Report for the June 2023 Board Meeting:

As of June 1, the community had $38396.02 in its Operating Fund (Checking) and $34806.07 in its Reserve Fund (Savings). For 2023, there are 2 homeowners who have not yet paid their dues (one of these also has not paid 2022 dues). All delinquent accounts have been assessed late fees and interest. One additional homeowner is paying in installments. The other 66 homeowners have paid assessments in full through the end of the year.

Operations: The financials show the community is running about $12000 under budget. $9500 of this is the timing of the insurance (which will show up in next month’s budget performance), and the remaining $2500 is an overrun in utilities and other expenses.

Reserve: The water heater at the pool was replaced at a cost of $2431.00


Secretary: Anne Mesick

Anne reported that emails were sent to the community about the pool opening and about the pool gate key cards.

At Large: Larry Barlow

No report.

Maintenance/Pool: Acting chairperson Ken Schiewetz,

Ken reported that Neal Tripp had the pool area ready for opening day. The deck had 2 coats of stain, the furniture was washed and positioned on the deck and on the patio, the bathrooms were cleaned, and the garbage collection was started. Thank you to those community members who volunteered to help Neal and Ruth with this work.

Neal also reported that there are volunteers to open and close the pool for six days of the week. Neal and Ruth are covering the last day. Again, thank you to those community members who have volunteered to help with this import work. If you can help open and close the pool, please contact Neal Tripp at nealnruth77@gmail.com 253-561-4022.

Heather Pierce, who is managing the key cards, reported to the board that the process was going pretty well. She has noticed that some key cards that had been working this year, stopped working abruptly and unexpectedly. She suspected that they had come into contact with cell phones for prolonged periods of time. Upon researching the problem, it was found that, indeed, cell phones can demagnetize the cards. Heather has the nonfunctioning cards and plans to see if she can get them to work again. Please do not store your key cards near your cell phone.

Architecture: Acting Chairperson Ken Schiewetz

There was one request made of the committee. Ken, who is out of town, will look into the matter when he returns. The board is searching for community members to serve on the committee, and at present they are seriously understaffed.

As Laura House steps down from the committee, we thank her for her service to the community.

Recreation Hospitality: Anne Mesick

One new welcome packet was delivered to the new owners in property 3-2; Evan Barbour, Jody Hanson and their son Bo. Welcome to the neighborhood.

New Business:

Ken stated that approval was made for a new garden hose reel at the pool, and an attachment that goes on the garden hose that will shut the hose off when the proper water level in the pool is reached.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 7:30 PM.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

Respectfully Submitted,

Anne Mesick


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