November 2023 — Minutes for the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of Mar Cheri Community Club

Date: Nov 14, 2023

Time /Location: 7 PM via Zoom

Those in attendance: Ken Schiewetz, Gary Mesick, Larry Barlow, Anne Mesick


President: Ken Schiewetz

Ken Schiewetz called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Ken, once again, called for volunteers to fill board positions and to work on committees. 

Treasurer: Gary Mesick

As of November 1, the community had $16693.22 in its Operating Fund (Checking) and $30795.08 in its Reserve Fund (Savings). There is one homeowner who has not yet paid 2022 dues. The other 68 homeowners have paid assessments in full through the end of the year.

Operations: The financials show the community is running about $800 under budget. 

Reserve: There were no Reserve expenses in October. 

Secretary: Anne Mesick

No Report.

At Large: Larry Barlow

No Report

Maintenance/Pool: Ken Schiewetz (acting chairperson)

Ken met with Neal Tripp at the site of the leak on the property near the pool. 

Neal obtained an estimate to have 15 feet of perforated pipe installed at the site of the leak and connected into the existing drain pipe, at a cost of $580.00. Ken and Neal recommend the work be done.

Ken made a motion that $580.00 be made available to have 15 feet of perforated pipe installed at the site of the leak that would link to the existing drain pipe. Gary Mesick seconded the motion. The vote passed unanimously.

Architecture: Ken Schiewetz (acting chairperson)

A homeowner has been fined for view violations.

Recreation Hospitality: Anne Mesick

No Report.

New Business:

Ken, as chair of the Maintenance committee, brought 4 estimates to paint the pool house. The average cost to have the work done is $3500.00. This information will be used for planning the budget for 2024.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 7:35 PM.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Mesick


Special Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors of Mar Cheri Community Club

Date: November 2, 2023

Time /Location: 5:47PM via Zoom

Those in attendance: Ken Schiewetz, Gary Mesick, Larry Barlow, Anne Mesick

President: Ken Schiewetz

Ken Schiewetz called the meeting to order at 5:47 PM. 

The purpose of the meeting was to vote for or against starting fines on a noncompliant property owner.

A motion was made by Ken Schiewetz to begin fining a noncompliant property owner, who has done nothing to correct the violation, nor to submit a plan to the Architectural committee to become compliant.

Gary Mesick seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.

Ken closed the meeting at 5:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Anne Mesick


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