Mar Cheri – November 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

Mar Cheri Community Club

Minutes for the November 17, 2020 Board Meeting

Note:  This was a Zoom meeting; due to the Covid-19 pandemic guidelines for gatherings.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

In Attendance:  Ken Schiewetz, Laura House, Lisa Martinez, Rod Martinez, Anne Mesick, Larry Barlow and Brenda Busskohl. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Larry Barlow

Current Balance:        31,219

Reserve Balance:       25,073

Once total expenses for the year are calculated the remainder can be moved to the reserve fund to help meet the reserve study requirements.

Several letters for delinquent dues will be sent out.  For one longstanding delinquent account a lien will be placed.

This will be Larry’s last year as treasurer, the board thanks him for his service.  Gary Mesick has volunteered to service as treasurer.

Maintenance Report:  Rod Martinez

Maintenance done for the year was limited to clearing of bushes around the fence.  The roof project has been postponed.

 Architecture Report: Lisa Martinez

The board will look into expanding the use of PAYHOA for tracking violations and sending out the letters since that functionality is part of the application.

Recreation and Hospitality Committee: Anne Mesick

Anne has paid for and requested the keying of the mailbox.  Normally it takes about 2 weeks.  This process was started a month ago but with current conditions there is not an estimate of when it will be done.

Anne has volunteered to take on the role of secretary next year since there is not much that can be done in the recreation area with current COVID mandates.

Vice President’s Report: Laura House

This will be Laura’s last year on the board, she will continue to be on the architecture committee.  The board thanks her for her service

At Large’s Report:  Larry Barlow has volunteered to fill the At Large position

President’s Report: Ken Schiewetz

There was more discussion regarding hiring a management service.  But since there will still be a need for a board it seems appropriate to focus on recruiting to fill all necessary board positions first.  With dividing the duties of the current treasurer position this will help with meeting the necessary segregation of duties.   Audrey Isaacson has volunteer to pick up the mail and log the checks.   The treasure would then just need to enter the deposit checks, pay bills and review billing, and provide financial statements to the board.   PAYHOA can provide the financial statements if entries are done in a timely manner.

Buffer zone report of 2014 was completed, and Doc Hansen will be sending a new letter.  The $1200 was received back from Soundview Consultants so net cost was only around $600.

Reserve study will be completed for the annual meeting, Ken will pass it on to Adam of Associate Resources.

The board has not heard from the homeowner who has a view violation on developing a plan with the Architecture committee to try to resolve their violation.  The decision was to start a fine violation of $50 per month until a plan was developed and executed

With all the open board positions there will need to be a more active recruiting effort.  Flyers will be created and delivered to the community.  While the At Large position is not necessary, the board feels it is helpful to have that additional position especially when the pool is back in use.

Open position to be filled:  Vice President

New Business:

Gary and Anne Messick had their lawn mower stolen from their shed sometime between the 3rd and the 11th of this month. It was probably done at night since someone is always at home and would have been noticed during the day. An online police report was filed

The annual meeting for Mar Cheri will be a Zoom meeting and has been rescheduled to Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 7pm.  The next board meeting will be Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 7pm.  Details and the Zoom invitation will be forthcoming.

The Zoom meeting ended at 7:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Brenda Busskohl

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