September Mar Cheri Community Club Minutes

Mar Cheri Community Club Minutes for the September 24, 2020

Board Meeting Note: This was a Zoom meeting; due to the Covid-19 pandemic guidelines for gatherings.

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM.

In Attendance: Ken Schiewetz, Laura House, Larry Barlow, Lisa Martinez and Anne Mesick. Brenda Busskohl was unable to attend; Anne Mesick took the minutes. Lisa Martinez gave the architectural report for Rod Martinez.

Treasurer’s Report: Larry Barlow Checking account balance: $31,254.59. Savings (Reserve) account balance: $25,072.16. Expenses year to date: $9769.20.

Maintenance Report: Lisa Martinez

For most of the summer, there has been a significant amount of water in the common area near the sports court. At the same time, the pool water level seemed to have been unusually low over the summer. Diagnostic tests were made on the pool systems to determine if there could have been a possible leak at the pool itself. No leak was found. The water bill seemed to be higher than normal, and Lisa will ask the city to run a test to see if we have a water main leak or a broken pipe somewhere else. The blackberries were successfully removed from the perimeter of the pool and park area.

Architecture Report: Rod Martinez

One house painting project was approved and another painting project is pending approval. A driveway plan is pending approval. There was a complaint of a trailer being stored in a driveway, and a letter will be sent to the homeowner. There was a complaint about a fence and the committee chairperson will talk to the homeowner. The tree issue on one property is ongoing. The fence and retaining wall project at another home is ongoing.

Vice President’s Report: Laura House

The maintenance chairperson and the architecture chairperson made the request to switch positions. Anne Mesick made a motion that Lisa Martinez assume the duties of architectural chairperson from Rod Martinez, and Rod Martinez assume the duties of maintenance chairperson from Lisa Martinez. The motion was seconded, and by vote, the change was approved.

The audit committee has been unable to complete the audit because more information is needed. Ken will meet with Laura in the next week to get the audit finished. Laura suggested that we should look into the possibility of hiring a management company to take over the day to day running of the community. If a manager were hired, the board would still meet. Ken volunteered to check on the cost and services provided by a company with which he is familiar.

Recreation and Hospitality Committee: Anne Mesick One welcome packet was delivered to Carolyn and Hugh Lee. The Lee’s moved into the home at 30002 2nd Avenue SW. Anne reported on her study of having the community mail delivered to an open mail box in the cluster mailbox on 2nd avenue. The affected neighbors support the change. If the change was made, the community would have to pay the fifty dollar key fee. Anne made a motion that the money be allocated and the switch be made. The motion was seconded, and by vote, the change was approved. The telephone directory needs to be updated and a volunteer was contacted to possibly do the job. We are waiting for a response.

President’s Report: Ken Schiewetz Buffer zone report of 2014 follow up: The report requested by the City of Federal Way to check on the progress of the reestablishment of the environment near the “minor stream” was finally completed. The information the city needs to make any further decisions about the area is included in the report. Tom Demming who did the study, and wrote the report, indicated that both native and non-native species of plants growing in the area have successfully re-established near the “Ns” stream. We are now waiting for the decision of the city and a letter that we anticipate will close the matter. The cost for the work and subsequent report by Sound View Consultants should be considerably less than the $3900.00 allocated for the job. However, there may be some other costs associated with finalizing the matter. The letter and decision by the city should give the board the information needed to go forward with discussions about ongoing tree issues in that area of the community. The reserve study is coming up in the next month. Ken will work on the study with Larry Barlow.

A motion was made by Laura that the annual Mar Cheri meeting be held on Zoom. The motion was seconded, and by vote, the change was approved. The annual meeting for Mar Cheri will be a Zoom meeting and will take place December 1, 2020. Details, including the time and the Zoom invitation will be forthcoming.

The next monthly Zoom board meeting will be on Tuesday, October 13 at 7 PM. Having no other business, the meeting ended at 8:08 PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Anne Mesick

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